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Get open orders

Returns all orders that are not confirmed.

Path Parameters
userId string REQUIRED

Backend User Id


Open orders.

status boolean OPTIONAL

Response status

size integer OPTIONAL

Response size

time date-time OPTIONAL

Possible values: Value must match regular expression /(?:[0-9]{4})(?:-(?:[0-9]{2})){2} (?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])(?::(?:[0-5][0-9])){2}/

Response time (UTC)

data object[] OPTIONAL

List of orders

id uuid OPTIONAL

Order identifier

time date-time OPTIONAL

Possible values: Value must match regular expression /(?:[0-9]{4})(?:-(?:[0-9]{2})){2} (?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])(?::(?:[0-5][0-9])){2}/

Order time (UTC)

status string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [initial, preparation, out_for_delivery, delivered]

Order status, only updated when integrated using the ORDERU API

total float OPTIONAL

Order total price

discount float OPTIONAL

Order total discount

prepaid boolean OPTIONAL

Order prepaid status

shipping_method string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [pickup, delivery]

Order shipping method

shipping_time date-time OPTIONAL

Possible values: Value must match regular expression /(?:[0-9]{4})(?:-(?:[0-9]{2})){2} (?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-3])(?::(?:[0-5][0-9])){2}/

Order shipping time, if null ASAP

shipping_costs float OPTIONAL

Order shipping costs

payment object OPTIONAL

Payment details

type string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [cash, ec, paypal, creditcard, giropay]

Payment type

provider string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [null, paypal, stripe]

Payment provider

transaction_id string OPTIONAL

Payment provider transaction identifier

prepaid float OPTIONAL

Payment prepaid amount

coupons object[] OPTIONAL

Order coupon list

code string OPTIONAL

Coupon code / identifier

name string OPTIONAL

Coupon name

type string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [fixed, fixed_price, percentage]

Coupon discount type

value float OPTIONAL

Coupon discount amount

total float OPTIONAL

Coupon discount total (given)

definitions object OPTIONAL

Coupon definitions

apply_on string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [cart, product, product_with_option]

Coupon subject

exclusive boolean OPTIONAL

Exclusive coupon

combinable boolean OPTIONAL

Combinable coupon

condition string OPTIONAL

Coupon condition identifier

customer object OPTIONAL

Order customer details

phone string OPTIONAL

Customer phone number

email email OPTIONAL

Customer email

company string OPTIONAL

Customer company

firstname string OPTIONAL

Customer firstname

lastname string OPTIONAL

Customer lastname

message string OPTIONAL

Customer message

address object OPTIONAL

Customer address

street string OPTIONAL

Address street

number string OPTIONAL

Address house number

zipcode string OPTIONAL

Address zipcode

city string OPTIONAL

Address location

extra string OPTIONAL

Address extra

items object[] OPTIONAL

Ordered items

id uuid OPTIONAL

Item Id

quantity number OPTIONAL

Item quantity

name string OPTIONAL

Item name

size string OPTIONAL

Item size

pawn float OPTIONAL

Item pawn value

price float OPTIONAL

Item price

total float OPTIONAL

Item total price

meta object OPTIONAL

Meta information of the item

category string OPTIONAL

Item category

discounted boolean OPTIONAL

Item discounted

conditions undefined[] OPTIONAL

Item conditions

conditions_discount float OPTIONAL

Item discount value

options object[] OPTIONAL

Options for the item

id uuid OPTIONAL

Option id

amount integer OPTIONAL

Quanitity of the option

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the option

pawn float OPTIONAL

Pawn value

price float OPTIONAL

Price value

total float OPTIONAL

Total price value